The Road to Self

Welcome to my first podcast, Road to Self!

This is a new initiative that I would like to pursue on Saturday evenings when I want to share different materials with you to support you in your personal journey towards your authentic self and its associated manifestation in every moment of your life. 

In this first episode I want to tell you a bit about silence, about the joy of being and the choice of being. There will be about four minutes when I invite you to be receptive to a moment of relaxation and turning inward, to your inner self.

Silence is golden as word is creation.

Sometimes, when silence is the sound that vibrates, the soul speaks freely. Feeling before thinking is the freedom to be who you really are.

It is an exercise we learn the hardest after we have been accustomed to believing everything others have told us we are or should be - family, teachers, society, friends, colleagues, lovers ...

Burdened by programs and projections, by false models of success or "life achievements", preoccupied with reaching our next goal, we let ourselves be carried along, risking losing our identity slowly, slowly, as we are moving towards "maturity". Oh, yes, there are those blessed with an obvious grace that they manage to put into practice before asking themselves existential questions. And which they activate with passion, with the regularity of heartbeats. For the rest of us, inevitably, questions arise. By comparison, by feeling an inner emptiness at the most unexpected moments, by failure, by the 'not so good' days. And sometimes, "grown up" that we are, we give up being who we were before we were told who we were meant to be.

And sometimes, when silence is the sound that vibrates, the soul speaks freely. To feel before thinking is the freedom to be who you really are. How is that?

Through exercise. At first - by imagination. By remembering.

Choose a time of day when you can spend time with yourself without being interrupted or preoccupied with a particular project. Close your eyes.

Take deep breaths, with your attention focused on the movements of your chest as you breathe in and out, more and more regularly, and you become aware of your heartbeats.

You are now ready to re(live) an experience that brings you great joy and while you are in the middle of it, time seems to simply disappear. You are free to be yourself, to do and to say anything, to act with complete confidence and without fear of any consequence of your actions and words.

At this point, you are fully relaxed. Your heart is light, your soul smiles back at your and trembles with boundless joy.

You are like a child who can try anything with the wonder of discovering the world through play and trial. Anything is possible now. You are everything you want, and you allow yourself to be. 

Who do you choose to be today?

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