Physical body - SOMN OPTIMUM

During the pandemic and going through the associated illness, I faced major problems with insomnia and inability to get effective sleep. Initially these were caused by chronic stress and overwork. The illness that also occurred amidst the decline in immunity aggravated the sleep deficiencies. A vicious circle was created from which I could see no way out, especially in the context where there were no beneficial changes of pace professionally, and the altered cognitive and emotional capacities made it almost impossible to have the discipline and motivation needed to return to normal. It helped a lot to connect with the people around me and the resources available through which I began a documentation of the first steps I could take in working mindfully with simple tools we all have at hand. I regularly tested and practiced various elements and used specialized apps to track how sleep unfolded each night, to understand for myself the correlation between associated habits and their effects. I will attach to this post 12 items that can positively support or negatively affect effective and beneficial sleep. For those who want to study in more detail about this topic I put here the materials that helped me in my documentation (Matthew Walker's book - On Sleep. Why it is vital to sleep and dream and Andrew Huberman's podcast).

Instead of closing, I leave you with the encouragement to allow yourself a regular, conscious (re)connection with your own body. Some of us achieve this spontaneously and naturally, but sadly, if I were to relate to the sessions we have with our own clients, to the multimedia reality we are exponentially exposed to from year to year, and thereby to the massive breaks from our natural biological rhythms, I think I would be safe in assuming that this connection is no longer natural. Therefore, the regular and conscious concern of turning our attention inward should be part of everyone's daily ritual recommendations. If you'd like suggestions for techniques to facilitate this process, just let me know.

I remain at your disposal for questions, suggestions and comments on this subject. Perhaps they will inspire us further. And of course, I look forward to the next 5 beneficiaries of the free sessions.

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