How do you assess your well-being?

Looking out the window at the weather outside, as we experience colder and shorter days, it would seem that we are experiencing a season where we are consuming more energy than we are generating. The traditional way of relating to the concept of well-being would indicate that it is dependent on moments and certain situations and circumstances - we are happy on weekends, when we go on holidays or when the sun is shining - when you take stock of them in a life of Man, they seem to be so few and far between that it seems pretty sad, doesn't it? Yes, it really is, if we choose only these and look at them as external factors that can influence our well-being. What if I told you that regardless of your occupation, your current path, your background, you could formulate your own definition of wellbeing and build your own wellbeing capital?

You may be familiar with the exercise where you are asked to imagine that you received a blank cheque at birth containing the minutes of your life. Let's relate this to a lifespan of 70 years. The minutes of that is 36,792,000. Let's say you are now 30 years old, and your personal life cheque is worth 21,024,000 units. Of these, let's say that you can make the most of half, i.e. 10,512,000, and this is in the optimal situation where you are healthy and functioning at optimal parameters in all respects. How could you leverage and multiply the added value of your actions every minute?

...let's stop for a moment. I mentioned the optimal situation where you're healthy and functioning at optimal parameters in all respects. Now, please imagine that the state of wellbeing is like an investment account. Every time you experience something beautiful - enjoying the sunshine outside, taking a walk in the park or in nature, meeting your friends, spending time with your loved ones, having a restful sleep - you add units to your wellbeing account. Every time you experience a difficult time, a change that impacts on the time you can spend with your family, you can lose units from this account. Genetics, illness, traumatic events, other external factors can affect you. You can limit their impact to the extent that you keep your account at a high level by what you choose to invest regularly. The balance will certainly fluctuate, it is an ongoing process. There may be areas (areas of wellbeing) in which you will excel and others you can optimise. No one will give you units in your wellbeing account, you are the only person responsible for the balance in your wellbeing account. Circumstances can help or hinder you.

The exercise I propose today is to reflect on your current general state of wellbeing, what are the elements that you could give more attention and concern to in order to increase your wellbeing and to start already investing 5 to 15 minutes in a week so that the rest of the time you can value and multiply the added value of your actions by operating at your personal optimal capacity.

So, we have created a questionnaire that allows you to make a self-assessment of your well-being on 5 dimensions:

- Physical body

- Mental and emotional

- Social / Relationships

- Professional

- Purpose and motivation

All you have to do is go to the following link - and follow the completion instructions. Please remember that this questionnaire is for you, so being completely honest, your answers may give you an insight into some of the things you could give more attention and concern to in order to increase your well-being.

I keep inviting you to let me know in the comments to this post which areas are challenging you the most during this period, and I will come back periodically with ''wellness pills'', i.e. simple practices to support you in reaching your goals.

Also, the offer to offer the first 5 people who respond to this invitation a free 30-minute online counselling session remains valid, details and scheduling will be done via private message.

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